Central Florida Region is divided into nine geographic districts, each of which elects a Governor who acts as a voting representative for the members of that district. The Governors meet at least four times per year to establish policies of the region and most Governors hold monthly meetings to share information and discuss region business. However, monthly meetings are generally not dry business meetings but fun meetings to share stories and meet other local members. It’s the best way to stay informed and stay involved in the activities of Central Florida Region.
Central Florida Region Governors are elected by the members of their District to serve for a term of two years. Terms begin and end at the annual CFR General Membership Meeting held each December. There are no limits to the number of consecutive terms that may be served. In order to ensure continuity on the Board, elections are staggered with odd numbered district elections held in odd numbered years and even numbered district election held in even numbered years.
Members in good standing that wish to run for Governor of their district may do so by being nominated by at least 5 members of that district. Nomination forms may be obtained by contacting the Secretary – and completed nomination forms must be returned to the Secretary at least 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting date.
As a matter of principle, the members of the Region desire that Board of Governor Elections be conducted in an equitable and transparent fashion so that all members can have confidence in the integrity of the elections process.
To ensure this integrity, and in keeping with our By Laws, the Secretary prepares ballots for each election for every member whose Postal Zip Code lies within the District for which the election is being conducted.
The Postal Zip Codes used to determine the District to which a member belongs, and the addresses to which delivery of ballots will be attempted, are those that each member has caused to be in the official SCCA membership files maintained by the SCCA National Office in Topeka. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each member to verify the accuracy and postal deliverability of his or her address. Member addresses can be updated on-line by logging in to your member account at www.SCCA.com or by contacting SCCA Member Services at 1-800-770-2055.
Completed ballots are returned by voting members to an independent accounting firm who will tabulate the votes and provide final election results to the Chairman of the Board of Governors and the Secretary. The BOG Chair and Secretary are responsible for notifying candidates and then making these results public in a timely fashion.
Club Officials, when acting in their official capacity, are cautioned to maintain a strictly neutral public stance – and are not to allow club resources to be used in a manner that appears to favor one candidate over another. Club Officials are welcome to participate in the elections process as individual members.